One of my favorite TV shows, House M.D., is coming back for its new season on Tuesday, 9/16 (Fox, 8 p.m. for those of you without a DVR) and it got me thinking about doctors. Not sexy English actors who play doctors and, incidentally, who have re-negotiated their contract to the tune of $400,000 an episode, making them among the highest paid TV actors, but real doctors. Medical professionals. Over the past 3 years I have been to more than my share of doctors and I have liked all of them as people (well, except one who was kind of uptight but she is a great doctor so I didn't mind all of the humorless exchanges) and I have a great deal of respect for them. I hit it off particularly well with one of my doctors - she is my age, we have similar backgrounds and interests, and she is really funny. So just the other day I had an appointment with her, and I had been thinking that I would ask her if she wanted to have a drink sometime, or maybe get together for dinner. It seemed like sort of a strange idea, like asking her on a date, but how else do people become friends?? I've asked a million people if they wanted to grab a beer, no big deal. At the end of the appointment she was telling me the nurse would be coming in and she sort of paused at the door, and said It was great to see you. Really great. Pause. Yeah, I said, you too. Pause again. Um, awkward! The nurse did her thing and as I was checking out, I started to think about it more. There's no reason to be so weird about it, it's just another person. It's not like I am asking her on a date! So I booked my follow-up appointment and did the only mature, logical thing a person could do...I wrote her a secret note!
Is that really Hugh Laurie?
I can't believe it - what was that from??
"Blackadder" with Rowan Atkinson.
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